Policy & Resources Committee

Agenda Item 113


Subject:                    Timetable of Meetings for 2023/2024


Date of meeting:    19 January 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director for Governance, People and Resources


Contact Officer:      Name: Anthony Soyinka

                                    Tel: 01273 291006

                                    Email: anthony.soyinka@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Ward(s) affected:   All


1.            Purpose of the report and policy context


1.1         To consider the proposed schedule of meetings for the municipal year 2023/24 (see appendix 1) based on the current meetings timetable.


2.            Recommendations


2.1         That the proposed timetable of meetings for the 2023/2024 municipal year be agreed; subject to any necessary amendments following changes to the Constitution and/or committees’ requirements.


3.            Context and background information


3.1         The report outlines the proposed schedule of meetings for 2023/24 and enables Members and members of the public to identify when various committees are due to meet throughout the year.


4.            Analysis and consideration of alternative options


4.1         The proposed timetable for 2023/24 maintains a similar cycle of 8-weekly meetings to those in 2022/23.  It takes into account the meetings of the Health & Wellbeing Board, the Greater Brighton Economic Board and various project boards, as well as changes to school holiday periods.  In summary, the proposals are:-


Full Council:

6 Ordinary Council meetings,

plus the Annual Council and Budget Council     8 meetings in total


Policy Committees:

Policy & Resources:                                                7 meetings

Children, Young People & Skills:                          5 meetings

Environment, Transport & Sustainability:             5 meetings

Housing:                                                                   5 meetings

Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture:     5 meetings


Regulatory Committees:

Planning:                                                                   12 meetings

Audit & Standards:                                                   4 meetings

Licensing:                                                                  3 meetings



Adult Social Care & Health                                     3 meetings

Licensing Panels:                                                    As required (avg. 2 per month)

Personnel Appeals:                                                 As required (avg. 2 per month)


Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee:

Health Overview & Scrutiny:                                  5 meetings


Forums/Other Bodies:

Corporate Parenting Board:                                   4 meetings

Procurement Advisory Board                                 Monthly

Strategic Delivery Board                                         Monthly

Limited Liability Partnership Board                       Quarterly



Greater Brighton Economic Board                        Quarterly

Health & Wellbeing Board:                                     3 meetings

City Management Board                                         Monthly


4.2         The proposed timetable for 2023/24 provides for a total of 54 committee meetings, 51 partnership and board meetings, excluding the number of licensing panels and personnel appeals (see Appendix 1).


            Governing Principles for the Meetings Timetable


4.3         The following guidelines have been applied in reviewing the meetings timetable:


·         As far as possible clashes of meetings have been avoided.  However, inevitably, given the constraints of avoiding public/religious holidays and the number of meetings to be accommodated on specific days of the week, there are occasions where there are overlaps of meetings. 

·         What appear at the moment to be “free” days will be filled by Licensing Panel hearings and the various Chairs’ pre-meetings and political group meetings.

·         As far as possible meetings have not been scheduled on Fridays.

·         As far as possible religious holidays have been avoided, although it has not been possible to keep those weeks completely clear.

·         Meeting start times are generally scheduled for 4pm or later to encourage public attendance.  However, Committees can determine whether to continue with the programmed start time or if an alternative time would be more appropriate for their particular meeting.


4.4         There must be a sufficient number of meetings to enable the council business to be transacted.  The schedule of Council and Committee meetings is designed to ensure that:


·         Committee and scrutiny reports can be received without undue delay;

·         Consideration of the various plans and strategies to be adopted by Full Council can be accommodated;

·         There is scope to accommodate city-wide debates if necessary; and

·         Public interest and participation through questions, deputations, petitions and petition debates continues to be facilitated.


4.5         The Health Overview & Scrutiny Committee is programmed to meet quarterly in line with the Overview and Scrutiny rules.


4.6         Whilst every effort will be made to keep meetings on the dates listed there may be a need to alter them, and additional meetings may be required for dedicated debates on key issues or particular plans and strategies.


4.7         As usual, a number of further meetings, which are not part of the Council’s formal meetings cycle, have been programmed to meet on a regular basis e.g. the Procurement Advisory Board, the Corporate Parenting Board, the Limited Liability Partnership Board, the Strategic Delivery Board, City Management Board and the Greater Brighton Economic Board.


4.8         An additional day for a reconvened Budget Council meeting has also been included in the proposed timetable so that the date can be held in diaries should the need arise for such a meeting.


5.            Community engagement and consultation


5.1         Leading Members, Directors and appropriate officers have been consulted on the proposed timetable and appropriate committee and council dates set to meet statutory requirements e.g. Budget Council.


6.            Conclusion


6.1         The timetable also lists the dates and times of other meetings such as; Area Housing Panels, the Police & Crime Panel and East Sussex Fire Authority and the Brighton & Hove Strategic Partnership Board; and as such there are occasional clashes with council meetings which are unavoidable.


7.            Financial implications


7.1         There are no additional financial implications arising from the recommendation in this report. The costs of running the meetings in accordance with the proposed timetable will be met from within existing budgets.


Name of finance officer consulted: Jeff Coates  Date consulted 04/01/2023


8.            Legal implications


8.1      The proposed timetable of meetings does not prevent the calling of Special Meetings or the use of Urgency Sub-Committee meetings should circumstances arise. However, it does enable an organised scheduling of meetings to be maintained throughout the municipal year.


8.2      The proposed timetable allows for continued compliance with the Access to Information Procedure Rules set out in Part 7.1 of the Constitution.


Name of lawyer consulted: Elizabeth Culbert Date consulted 040123 


9.            Equalities implications


9.1         The majority of meetings are scheduled for 4.00pm or later to encourage public attendance and interest; as well as taking account of the potential that some councillors will have full-time work and therefore able to combine that with attending meetings.  Holiday periods are also avoided as far as is feasible.


9.2         The scheduling of meetings at 4.00pm or later does impact on some Members in regard to work and childcare commitments and therefore may restrict their ability to serve on certain committees.  However, the question of earlier start times has been raised and discussed at various levels and the majority of Members remain in favour of the general start time of 4.00pm for committee meetings.


9.3         The Covid-19 Pandemic did provide for meetings to be held and virtually and although lobbying of the government sought to maintain the ability to run hybrid meetings this has not been legislated for in respect of councillors being present at committee meetings. However, virtual public engagement has continued to be encouraged and where regulations have allowed, for example with Licensing Panels and School Appeals meetings have continued to be held virtually.


10.         Sustainability implications


10.1      There are no sustainability implications arising from the report and the ability to have hybrid meetings as reduced the impact on people having to attend in person.


11.         Other Implications


11.1      Crime & disorder implications:


11.2      There are no direct crime & disorder implications arising from the report, however considerations are taken into account for each meeting, along with risk assessments and security arrangements are put in place accordingly.


11.3      Public Health Implications:


11.4      There are no public health implications in the report and all venues to be used have been assessed for access, hearing loops and health and safety measures as well as taking into account Covid-19 restrictions.


11.5      Corporate / Citywide Implications:


11.6      The scheduling of meetings accommodates the Council priority for open and effective city leadership.


Supporting Documentation


1.            Appendices


1.            Proposed timetable of meetings for 2023-2024